BGM 2020
Transport for All
What a day! We had such a brilliant time at our BGM catching up with old friends and long-time supporters...

What a day! We had such a brilliant time at our BGM catching up with old friends and long-time supporters, greeting new faces and celebrating our achievements together.
Our TfA Awards commended the individual successes of those going above and beyond in their campaign work (congratulations to Dr Amy Kavanagh, Dr Hannah Barham-Brown and George Macar for their awards).
Comedian Robin Ince had the audience laughing, and also spoke honestly and candidly about mental health, going to therapy, and the ridiculous concept of “normal“.
We’re proud to create a space where disabled people can come together to share ideas, expertise, experience, and develop campaigns and projects together, and it was fantastic to see so many of our valued members holding important discussions, including the Staff Our Stations campaign.
Katie held a workshop on how to use social media for activism (you can download her presentation and notes below), while Emma and Yragael held a drop in surgery and recruited volunteers for our Access Rights Advice Scheme.
It’s an exciting time for our organisation, and we are thrilled and honoured to have your support. Thank you.
Below you will find all of the materials used at our BGM available for you to download.
Minutes from the last BGM (2018)
Trustee Report 2017-2018 (PDF format)
Trustee Report 2017-2018 (Word format, draft version)