New bus stop countdown system
Transport for All
Transport for London (TfL) are currently testing...
Transport for London (TfL) are currently testing a new coundown system for buses.
Using the new system, passengers are able to look up live bus departures at their closest bus stop via the internet or by a text service.
Much like the existing cowndown signs at some bus stops, the web results or text will reveal the route numbers of the next buses to arrive, their final destinations and the number of minutes they are due to arrive at that particular bus stop.
Transport for All welcome this new development. This system will allow disabled and older people to make a more informed decision when faced with delays, bad weather or buses with broken ramps etc.
All bus stops have been given a code which is displayed on the bus stop:
A full list of bus stop codes is available to download here
The test internet versions are available to use. Enter your postcode, bus route number. street or bus stop code into the search box.
If you are using a computer, try the new web countdown here
If you are accessing the internet via your mobile phone, try the new mobile web countdown here
When the new system is fully operational, you will also be able to send a text with your bus stop code to receive bus arrival times.
Visually impaired passengers will be able to use the text-to-speech facility on their mobile phones to get this information.
Each text will cost the standard network rate, plus a 12p charge.
If you have any comments, complaints or suggestions regarding the new countdown system, contact Transport for All and we will pass on your views to TfL
TfL have stated that the countdown signs will not be removed from the bus stops where they already exsist, and many more countdown signs will be introduced. For the full list of bus stops expecting countdown signs click here