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Accessible transport: legal obligations

Transport for All

Our response to the Transport Committee's inquiry into Accessible transport: legal obligations

A group of people posing for a picture in a line outside a grand stone building with carving of people on the walls. Doug Paulley is at the front. Some of them are holding banners reading

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Current legislation does not ensure accessible transport for all due to weak language, limited implementation, and inadequate legal consequences. In order to properly enforce existing legislation, the penalty administered for breaches must be of similar significance as the breach itself. In order for operators to uphold their legal obligations to make transport accessible, adequate staffing levels are critical. Complaints and compensation can work well for individual disabled people, however the processes are often long, complicated, emotionally draining, and inaccessible. Some transport sectors do not have adequate consumer protections in the first placeAccessibility provisions vary across the country, and disabled people face significant barriers on every mode of transport. Regulators do not have significant enough powers to enforce the legal obligations of their particular mode of transport. The current legal obligations for transport are minimal, and guidance often does not have any legal standing whatsoever, making it ineffectual. We do not have any examples of best practice, and any guidance developed should be coproduced with disabled people. Whilst we initially welcomed the Inclusive Transport Strategy, we are disappointed with its lack of progress, and feel that the strategy itself could have gone further.  

A man standing in front of a painted brick wall smiling at the camera. He is holding a cane and is wearing glasses, a black jacket and a grey t-shirt. A man standing in front of a painted brick wall smiling at the camera. He is holding a cane and is wearing glasses, a black jacket and a grey t-shirt.

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