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Car travel

Find out more about the barriers disabled people face to car travel.

An older man with white hair sits behind the wheel of a car. He is smiling at the camera and his elbow rests on the open car window.

Policy background

Car travel is a lifeline for many disabled people. Government statistics show that, like non-disabled people, disabled adults made almost two-thirds of all trips by car in 2021. However, disabled adults make a higher proportion of journeys as car passengers than non-disabled adults (19% compared with 12%), and we make slightly fewer trips as drivers (42% compared with 48%) (Department for Transport).

  • 28% of disabled adults live in households which don’t have access to a car, compared with 15% of non-disabled adults (Department for Transport)
  • In 2021 only 61% of disabled adults had a full driving license, compared with 80% of non-disabled adults (Department for Transport)
  • In 2019/20, 2.15 million people were automatically eligible for a blue badge, yet only 46% of those people held a badge (Department for Transport)
A man standing in front of a painted brick wall smiling at the camera. He is holding a cane and is wearing glasses, a black jacket and a grey t-shirt. A man standing in front of a painted brick wall smiling at the camera. He is holding a cane and is wearing glasses, a black jacket and a grey t-shirt.

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