Response to Mayor’s Transport Strategy
Transport for All
Consultation on the Mayor’s Transport Strategy has now...
Consultation on the Mayor’s Transport Strategy has now closed.
Transport for All has submitted an 18 page document in response to the proposed strategy.
One of our main recommendations is the need for the Mayor and TfL to engage in regular and genuine consultation with disabled Londoners on transport matters.
There are parts of the MTS that we support such as plans in section 425 to support travel mentoring. Though we request that extra funding and resources are provided for this useful confidence building scheme.
However, TfA is very disappointed and concerned that plans to create a ‘step free foundation network’ of stations have been axed. The tube remains the fastest way to travel around London – yet it is out of bounds for many disabled and older people who have mobility impairments in particular.
We have also suggested that the Mayor invests in a high profile publicity campaign across the transport network re-enforcing the fact that disabled and older people have the right to travel on public transport with the same freedom and choice as non-disabled people. We believe this would make a valuable contribution in the cultural shift that is needed to tackle disabilism, ageism and prejudice on the transport network.
Read our response in full here: MTS response