Mayor’s responses on accessible transport
Transport for All
London Assembly members Jenny Jones...
London Assembly members Jenny Jones and Valerie Shawcross have both questioned Boris recently about accessible transport plans.
They have sent us copies of the questions together with the Mayor’s responses.
Mobility forum
Question No: 29 / 2010
Jenny Jones
Do you support the setting up of a mobility forum in each borough, along the lines of Hillingdon and Camden, which include all the providers of transport services and disabled users? If you do, would you proactively seek funding for these?
Answer from the Mayor:
Arrangements for mobility forums or similar differ among Boroughs and I would certainly encourage all Boroughs to explore setting these up, although there is no funding within TfL’s Business Plan to provide financial support for mobility forums.
TfL hosted an event on 15 January that brought all the Borough mobility forums together to share their experiences of and views on engagement with transport providers and commissioners. Transport for All will be writing a report on the event with recommendations for TfL, Boroughs and the GLA.
The Mayor’s answer is somewhat misleading. The mobility forum event was a Transport for All initiative, not funded or commissioned by TFL. They did kindly donate a room and lunch and have requested a copy of the report. Jenny Jones was at the meeting, which is why she raised the question!
Bus seats
Question No: 30 / 2010
Jenny Jones
Have you considered the need for different heights of seats on buses for people who find it difficult to use the standard height seat?
Answer from the Mayor:
The height of seats is largely constrained by construction and use standards for the UK, such as a minimum and maximum height from floor to the seat cushion. TfL tries to assist people who are less mobile or find normal seats harder to access by providing priority seating. These provide more leg room, and tend to be between the front and centre doors to make it easier to alight when they reach their stop.
Access projects at London Underground Stations (1)
Question No: 209 / 2010
Valerie Shawcross
Please describe the consultation process undertaken by LUL to determine the reduced programme of access projects within LUL stations.
Answer from the Mayor:
Additional costs from the absorption of Metronet and the economic down-turn have forced the indefinite deferral of six London Underground step-free access projects.
The decision to cancel these projects was made due to funding pressures on TfL, and the need to curtail spend on projects quickly. No consultation was therefore carried out for these projects, though key stakeholders, notably local authorities concerned, were advised as soon as possible.
Access projects at London Underground Stations (2)
Question No: 210 / 2010
Valerie Shawcross
How were disability groups and passenger representatives consulted on the reduced programme of access projects for London Underground stations? Which Groups were consulted?
Answer from the Mayor:
Please refer to my answer to MQ209 / 2010.
Access projects at London Underground Stations (3)
Question No: 211 / 2010
Valerie Shawcross
What is the underlying strategy for rolling out access projects in LUL? What principles and objectives guided the choice of projects to be dropped, postponed or continued?
Answer from the Mayor:
As part of the package of changes confirmed in TfL’s Business Plan announcement in October 2009 to achieve significant cost reductions, the decision was taken to stop work on six step-free access projects across the London Underground network. They were projects at an early stage, where significant costs could be saved.
TfL is experiencing a loss in revenue due to the current economic climate and increased costs due to the impact of the Metronet collapse, which necessitated some difficult decisions.
TfL will continue to increase the accessibility of the Tube over time, building on the foundation of the 58 step-free stations already in place. However, available resources will be targeted at stations where major station redevelopment work is already planned, thereby combining step-free access with congestion relief schemes, which is a better way to use existing budgets, and deliver significant benefits to the large number of passengers affected.
If you have any questions for the Mayor about accessible transport, please email us. We will forward the most frequently asked questions to the GLA transport committee members.